Feed The Children History
Feed the Children was founded in 1979 by Larry Jones. The non-profit organization stemmed from Jones visit to Haiti in 1979. While visiting the country, Jones experienced first-hand the misery and hunger residents endured in the underdeveloped region. Jones, believing the suffering was preventable, came back to the United States where he planned to organize relief aid from the seemingly endless food and supply the surplus to Haiti. He, along with his wife Frances, officially founded Feed the Children. The organization remains one of the largest private non-profits in the world devoted to feeding the hungry.
Jones maintained his position as president of the non-profit organization until controversy erupted in late 2009 between the founder and board members. To further tarnish the image of Feed the Children in combination of the questionable in-kind gifts issue, founder Larry Jones was fired from his position as of November 9, 2009. A resolution of legal disputes among all parties involved was announced on January 28, 2011.
Although no longer associated with the organization, Jones is under investigation by the Oklahoma Attorney General for possible criminal activities during his tenure at Feed the Children. The allegations against Jones include bribery, hiding pornography, bugging offices, mismanagement of funds, embezzling travel money and accepting gifts for making appearances, undocumented personal raise, and misusing an employee as a personal nanny. Jones however adamantly denies any wrongdoing.
Despite the controversy surrounding the Feed the Children, the organization has provided several relief efforts following recent natural disasters. Residents along the Gulf Coast received relief aid in 2005 following Hurricane Katrina which included more than 650 semi-tractor trailers load of food hauling over 40 million pounds of donated food items and relief supplies. Other historic events in which Feed the Children launched relief efforts include the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States and the tsunami event in South Asia in December 2004. In total, the organization reported distributing over 31 million pounds of food and supplies.
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